Newsletter Photo Contest Winners 2024

I get a kick from including my photography in my leadership newsletters. Sometimes, you send me more comments on the photography than on the blog or article about how to be a more successful leader of your organization.
I am excited to announce the winners of the contest to select the best photo from the 2023 newsletters. First, the winning photograph was the picture of a schooner sailing off the coast of Gloucester, Massachusetts.
The runner-up photo was of a red barn in the beautiful horse country north of Baltimore, Maryland.

The schooner photograph was your favorite by a wide margin probably because I write about sailing as a good place to learn about leadership. Perhaps I biased the vote. I also received comments on what you like about the photographs including which images had more artistic value over simply being wonderful to look at. Thank you for your many notes.
From those of you who chose the schooner photograph as your favorite, we randomly selected two winners. Each winner will receive an autographed copy of the photograph suitable for framing. The winners are:
Bob Thompson, Pasadena, California
Philipp Buschmann, Berlin, Germany
My thanks to Bob and Philip for participating in the contest. I hope each of you will display the photo at a place that gives you continuing moments of joy.
On to a crazy 2024. I hope my photographs will bring moments of beauty to your day.