Thankful, Purposeful, Loving, Happy, and Doing the Right Thing

In the U.S., we celebrated Thanksgiving last week. 2020 is a difficult year to think of Thanksgiving. Fear and stress are a part of our lives and limitations are many. We are separated from family and friends. We are challenged to rethink what is important to us and how we want to live our lives.

Usually, I share insights on how to be a better leader of your organization. I hope you will find value in my Thanksgiving aspirations for myself.

Be Thankful

Yes, we have had losses and sadness. But I am profoundly thankful for so much in my life. My friends and colleagues, my sailing, progress on my book, and so much more.

Be Purposeful

Lockdown is the 2020 message. Like most of you, the patterns and cycles of my life have changed profoundly. I am redefining my day to day life within new boundaries. Face-to-face meetings are few, but Zoom has removed geographic limits on meeting and convening my community. I will be a true friend. I will be a contributing partner. I will create a book valuable to leaders. I will lean forward.

Show Love

Showing love is complicated. I don’t have family at home and showing love involves making myself vulnerable. Being thankful gives me the courage to show love to those close to me as well as to relative strangers, such as the cashier working at my local supermarket.

Pursue Happiness

When our lives are a frantic rush, we often chase money, the next job, a fancier car, or more power over something. I am using Thanksgiving to ask myself what makes me happy. With my friends, I talk about sailing and photography. But happiness comes from my personal connections and the wonder I feel when experiencing nature. You may find happiness in the smile of a child or holding hands with your wife or husband. This year, I want to feel the joy of those moments of happiness and not rush by them.

Catch Someone Doing the Right Thing

The waiter who knows my favorite drink. The neighbor who sewed face masks when none were available. Acknowledging those special people who do the right thing is my gift to them and a reminder of the wonder around me.

This year in particular I am trying to be clear about my purpose and the life I want to live. And I am thankful for the many blessings I enjoy every day.

Fall Leaves
In New England, the most vibrant and colorful leaves have fallen from the trees. I hope you enjoy this image of oak leaves floating on the pond in a sea of green.